My name is Jen Seiser,  a designer and lifetime explorer. I have a job that allows me to see the world in an intimate way –interacting with people via colors, textures, pictures, patterns, symbols, experiences, products and emotions. I am passionate about bringing to life stories and capturing the images of people + places as I go. I collect things, and want to collect more. I want to organize what I learn, but am not sure how. This is a start.

My home base is currently Cincinnati, but am a proud Wisconsin native, and return home often because it’s one of the best places on Earth. I was fortunate to grow up with a family that took summer trips all around the country with a tent and a minivan. Though I did not always appreciate the National Parks in the same way I can today, these early travels sparked something in me I have been unable to shake. I am not a drifter or nomadic type –I have roots that matter to me, and are branching ever wider as I grow. This makes me happy and is difficult, because so many of the people that matter to me are far away regardless of where I am. The best part of my life are all the incredible, talented, hilarious, and  inspiring people in it. Though I am always missing someone, a life full with deep, yet scattered friendships is worth it

I am an avid international + local traveler, aspiring photographer, daily foodie and terribly un-strict owner of two loyal pups that keep me busy + outside rain or shine. I am 31 and have been to 46 countries. My curiosity for discovery extends beyond travel, and I find myself most recently taken with cosmic exploration, jellyfish, systems biology, and word origins.

contact me at: jenseiser85@gmail.comJen Seiser 2014

“Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” -Mary Oliver


“I am on a journey – with my work, my explorations, and a few sad stories. I travel with a suitcase full of outrageous blessings. I am on a quest for truth, beauty + quiet joy. I am an artist, a writer, an explorer.” – Anonymous



One Response

  1. glass spigot
    glass spigot · February 28, 2013 at 21:43:13 ·

    glass spigot…

    Live each day as if it were your last, but learn from each day as if you will live forever….

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